Wedding Ceremony: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Raleigh, NC
Reception: NC State Park Alumni Center, Raleigh, NC
Shooting Kate and Kiku’s wedding was an absolute pleasure for me. Such a great couple to get to meet and get to know, I know we are going to be friends from here on out. I could gush a lot about them, but I’ll keep it brief.
Kate contacted me back in February and from the outset, I knew this wedding was going to be special for me. The fact that Kiku and his family would be flying in from Tarragona in Spain, brought a whole new dimension of fun and interest to the day. Having lived just down the road from Kiku’s hometown for a number of years, I knew how vivacious and fun-loving the Spanish people are and I was really looking forward to sharing the day with them.
Aside from the Catalan dimension, this wedding was of added interest for me as I had never had the chance to attend a Greek Orthodox wedding before, let alone shoot one, and it was a really amazing experience. I loved the colours and idiosyncrasies of the ceremony and the beautiful decoration of the church itself. The reception was held at the NC State Park Alumni Center, which is a gorgeous venue with its high ceilings, sweeping staricases and great balconies. Despite the thundery weather, we got some fantastic shots and the day was full of great moments.
Here are just a few of my favourites from the day:

També volia donar les gràcies a tota la familia d’en Kiku per ser tots tan simpàtics i divertits. De veres va ser un gran plaer poder compartir aqueix dia amb vosaltres. Un abraç a tots!