OK, so the “Image of the Week” thing got a bit beyond me in 2012. I will endeavour to do better in 2013! I know I get a lot of feedback from people when I post these, so thanks to everyone for their comments. I’m glad people other than myself get something out of it!
Not your typical wedding photograph this, but one that jumped out at me when editing a recent wedding and which appeals to me specifically because it is a bit different. Sometimes, I feel that as wedding photographers, we run the risk of getting stuck in a rut of trotting out of the same cookie-cutter images time and time again. It’s a fine line we walk between pleasing our clients and becoming too formulaic, and pleasing ourselves and being too esoteric.
Luckily, my clients do tend to appreciate some of the subtleties of what I try to do when looking for the beauty in some of the more mundane moments of the wedding day. This image is a great example of that as it was something I just grabbed instinctively as I saw the moment coming together. The bride was getting her make-up done and I took a quick minute to walk around the salon and see what the other members of the cortège were up to. I saw the bride’s grandmother sitting on the seats by the window directly underneath the poster playing with her camera and saw the potential for a good photo if she just turned around a little to give me her profile and replicate the image in the photo above her. She obliged and I got the pic I was after.
Thanks again for indulging me. I’ll post some more photos from this beautiful wedding soon…
Have a great week!