As a father of two young daughters, I can only imagine the mixture of feelings that I will go through on their wedding days. It truly must be one of the most bittersweet moments anyone must experience: the joy of seeing them start out on a new life with someone they love dashing against the sorrow of seeing your little girl all grown up and maybe becoming a little further from your arms as a consequence. As I say, I can only imagine at this stage. I am in no rush to go through that myself!
This conflict of emotions was so evident in this mum’s face. I saw her approaching her daughter after the ceremony and waited for this moment to unfold between the two of them. It’s always a great privilege to be a part of someone’s wedding day. To be able to document moments like these is really something very special indeed.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Geek info: Canon EOS-1D X with EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II USM @ 185mm, f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/1000 sec