I was first introduced to Chad Biggs and his team back in September 2014, after shooting co-founder and lead planner, Jessica’s, wedding the previous month. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of working with them on a number of weddings both at Melrose Knitting Mill and in other venues. To me, they’ve always been really great people to work with: totally on their game with regard to the planning and nailing all the little details, but they’ve also been really fun and friendly people to spend time with too, which is great given the pressures of working on such mentally demanding events as weddings. So it was great to get a call from Jessica earlier this year with some exciting news about a new venue they were working on…
…And so it was that, back in May, I headed over to what promises to be one of the Raleigh-area’s coolest new venues, The Historic Wakefield Barn in Wake Forest, NC, to meet up with the team for some team photos and individual headshots. The basic remit for the shoot was to incorporate the vibe of the barn into the images and provide a selection of different looks for the individual photos of Chad and the team.
For the photographers out there who are interested, the majority of these images were shot with the Canon 1DX Mk II with the 24mm f/1.4, 85 f/1.2 and 200 f/1.8 lenses with a mixture of available light and Profoto B1. The B&W images towards the end were shot after sunset using available darkness with the Sony a7RII with Mitakon 50 f/0.95.